Customize Your Samsung Messaging App for a Personalized Experience - Step-by-Step Guide


Customize your messaging experience on Samsung with features like chat bubbles, conversation backgrounds, and font styles.

Are you tired of the generic messaging app on your Samsung phone? Do you wish you could customize it to fit your personal style and preferences? Well, good news! Samsung's messaging app allows for a plethora of customization options that can enhance your messaging experience. From changing the background color to adding your own custom signature, this app has it all. In this article, we will explore the different ways you can customize your Samsung messaging app and make it truly your own.

To start off, let's talk about the basics of customizing your messaging app. First, you can change the background color of your conversations. This may seem like a small detail, but it can make a big difference in how you perceive your messages. You can choose from a variety of colors or even use a photo as your background. Additionally, you can change the font style and size of your messages, making them easier to read and more visually appealing.

Another great feature of the Samsung messaging app is the ability to create custom message templates. If you find yourself sending the same message over and over again, you can save it as a template and easily send it with just a few taps. This can save you time and effort when sending repetitive messages, such as appointment reminders or quick responses.

If you're someone who loves to express themselves through emojis and stickers, you'll be happy to know that the Samsung messaging app has a wide selection to choose from. You can even download additional packs from the Galaxy Store to expand your collection. Plus, with the app's predictive text feature, you can quickly search for and insert the perfect emoji or sticker to match your message.

One of the most unique features of the Samsung messaging app is the ability to add your own custom signature to your messages. This can be a fun way to personalize your messages and make them stand out. You can choose from a variety of fonts and colors to create a signature that truly reflects your personality.

In addition to all of these customization options, the Samsung messaging app also has some practical features that can make your messaging experience more efficient. For example, you can pin important conversations to the top of your message list for easy access. You can also set up quick responses for when you're unable to respond to a message right away.

If you're someone who values privacy, you'll be happy to know that the Samsung messaging app also has built-in security features. You can enable end-to-end encryption for your messages, ensuring that they are only visible to you and the person you're communicating with. Additionally, you can block unwanted contacts from sending you messages or calling you.

Now that we've explored all of the different customization options and practical features of the Samsung messaging app, let's talk about some tips and tricks for getting the most out of it. One tip is to use the app's search feature to quickly find specific messages or conversations. You can also long-press on a message to access additional options, such as copying the text or deleting the message.

Another useful trick is to use the app's scheduling feature to send messages at a later time. This can come in handy when you want to send a message but don't want to disturb the recipient if they're sleeping or busy. You can also use this feature to schedule reminders for yourself.

In conclusion, the Samsung messaging app offers a wide range of customization and practical features that can enhance your messaging experience. Whether you're looking to personalize your messages with custom backgrounds and signatures or improve efficiency with quick responses and message templates, this app has something for everyone. So why settle for a generic messaging app when you can make it truly your own?


Samsung messaging app is a default messaging app for Samsung devices. It is a well-known messaging app that comes with various features and customization options. Users can personalize their messages by changing the font, color, and background. Customization is an exciting feature that allows users to express themselves in their unique way. In this article, we will discuss how to customize Samsung messaging app.

Changing the theme

The first thing you can do to customize your Samsung messaging app is changing the theme. Samsung offers several themes that you can choose from. To change the theme, open the messaging app and tap on the three dots on the top right corner of the screen. Select Settings and then tap on Theme. Choose the theme you want to apply, and it will change the background and color of your messaging app.

Customizing the background

If you don't like the pre-installed themes, you can also set your own background. To do this, tap on the three dots on the top right corner of the screen and select Settings. Then, tap on Chat settings and then Backgrounds. You can either choose from the pre-installed backgrounds or select a photo from your gallery. You can also adjust the transparency and blur level of the background to make it more visually appealing.

Changing the font

The next thing you can do is change the font style of your messages. To do this, go to the messaging app settings and select Font. You can choose from various fonts available, such as Roboto, Helvetica, and Choco cooky. You can also adjust the font size and style to suit your preference.

Changing the bubble style

The bubble style is the shape and color of the message bubbles. You can change them to make your messaging app look more attractive. To do this, go to the messaging app settings and select Chat settings. Then, tap on Bubble style and choose the bubble shape and color you want. You can also customize the incoming and outgoing messages separately.

Customizing notifications

You can also customize the notifications you receive from the messaging app. Go to the messaging app settings and select Notifications. You can turn on or off the notification sound, vibration, and LED light. You can also set a custom notification tone and vibration pattern.

Changing the quick response messages

Quick response messages are pre-written messages that you can send with just one tap. You can customize these messages to suit your preference. To do this, go to the messaging app settings and select Quick responses. You can add, delete, or edit the existing quick response messages.

Blocking messages

If you receive unwanted messages from someone, you can block them. To do this, tap and hold on the message from the person you want to block. Select Block messages and confirm. You can also block messages from the messaging app settings by selecting Spam filter and adding the phone numbers you want to block.

Backup and restore

You can backup your messages to Google Drive and restore them when you switch to a new device. To do this, go to the messaging app settings and select Backup and restore. Tap on Backup now to backup your messages to Google Drive. To restore them, log in to your Google account on your new device and select Restore.

Deleting messages

If you want to delete a message or a conversation, tap and hold on the message or conversation and select Delete. You can also delete messages from the messaging app settings by selecting Storage and then Delete old messages. This will delete messages that are older than a specified period.


Samsung messaging app customization is a great feature that allows users to express themselves in their unique way. By changing the theme, background, font, bubble style, and notifications, you can make your messaging app look more attractive. You can also customize quick response messages, block unwanted messages, backup and restore messages, and delete messages. These customization options make Samsung messaging app a versatile and user-friendly messaging app.

Introduction to Samsung Messaging AppSamsung messaging app is a pre-installed application on all Samsung smartphones. The messaging app allows users to send and receive text messages, multimedia messages, and group messages. Samsung messaging app is an essential communication tool that helps users to stay connected with their friends, family, and colleagues.Understanding the Basics of CustomizationCustomization is the process of modifying the appearance and functionality of an application to suit individual preferences. Customizing Samsung messaging app allows users to personalize the app to their liking. The customization process is easy and straightforward, and it can be done in a few simple steps.Changing the Background Color of Your Messaging AppSamsung messaging app comes with a default theme that has a white background. However, users can change the background color of their messaging app to any color they prefer. To change the background color, users need to follow these simple steps:Step 1: Open the Samsung messaging app and click on the three dots at the top right corner of the screen.Step 2: Click on settings and select the background color option.Step 3: Choose the color you want from the list of available colors or select a custom color.Setting a Custom Notification Sound for Your MessagesCustomizing the notification sound for your messages can help you differentiate between different types of messages and alerts. Samsung messaging app allows users to set custom notification sounds for their messages. To set a custom notification sound, follow these steps:Step 1: Open the Samsung messaging app and click on the three dots at the top right corner of the screen.Step 2: Click on settings and select the notifications option.Step 3: Scroll down and select the message notification sound option.Step 4: Choose the sound you want from the list of available sounds or select a custom sound.Customizing the Font Style and Size of Your MessagesSamsung messaging app comes with a default font style and size. However, users can change the font style and size of their messages to their liking. To customize the font style and size of your messages, follow these steps:Step 1: Open the Samsung messaging app and click on the three dots at the top right corner of the screen.Step 2: Click on settings and select the font style and size option.Step 3: Choose the font style and size you want from the list of available options.Personalizing Your Messaging App with Custom Stickers and EmojisSamsung messaging app comes with a variety of stickers and emojis that users can use to express their emotions. However, users can also add their custom stickers and emojis to the app. To personalize your messaging app with custom stickers and emojis, follow these steps:Step 1: Download the custom stickers and emojis you want to use.Step 2: Open the Samsung messaging app and click on the plus sign next to the text box.Step 3: Click on the sticker icon and select the custom stickers and emojis you want to use.Adding a Signature to Your MessagesA signature is a personalized message that appears at the end of every message you send. Adding a signature to your messages can help you personalize your messages and make them more professional. To add a signature to your messages, follow these steps:Step 1: Open the Samsung messaging app and click on the three dots at the top right corner of the screen.Step 2: Click on settings and select the signature option.Step 3: Enter the signature you want to use and click on save.Customizing the Quick Response Feature for Faster MessagingThe quick response feature allows users to send pre-defined messages with a single tap. Samsung messaging app comes with default quick response messages that users can customize to their liking. To customize the quick response feature, follow these steps:Step 1: Open the Samsung messaging app and click on the three dots at the top right corner of the screen.Step 2: Click on settings and select the quick response option.Step 3: Customize the quick response messages by adding or removing messages.Creating Message Templates for Frequently Sent MessagesCreating message templates can help users save time when sending frequently sent messages. Samsung messaging app allows users to create message templates that can be used repeatedly. To create message templates, follow these steps:Step 1: Open the Samsung messaging app and click on the plus sign next to the text box.Step 2: Type the message you want to create a template for.Step 3: Long press on the message and select add to templates.Enabling the Dark Mode Feature for a Sleeker Messaging InterfaceThe dark mode feature changes the background color of the messaging app to black, making it easier on the eyes in low light conditions. Enabling the dark mode feature can also help save battery life on smartphones with OLED screens. To enable the dark mode feature, follow these steps:Step 1: Open the Samsung messaging app and click on the three dots at the top right corner of the screen.Step 2: Click on settings and select the dark mode option.Step 3: Toggle the switch to turn on the dark mode feature.ConclusionSamsung messaging app is a powerful communication tool that allows users to send and receive text messages, multimedia messages, and group messages. Customizing Samsung messaging app allows users to personalize the app to their liking. Users can change the background color, set custom notification sounds, customize the font style and size, personalize the app with custom stickers and emojis, add a signature to messages, customize the quick response feature, create message templates, and enable the dark mode feature for a sleeker messaging interface. Customizing Samsung messaging app is easy and straightforward, and it can be done in a few simple steps.

Samsung Messaging App Customization: Pros and Cons

Point of View

As a user of Samsung smartphones, I find the messaging app customization options quite useful. The ability to personalize the app according to my preferences makes it more enjoyable and convenient to use. The app's customization features provide a sense of ownership and uniqueness to my device's messaging experience.


1. Personalized Experience

Customizing the messaging app allows users to personalize their messaging experience. Users can choose from different themes, wallpapers, fonts, and bubble styles to suit their preferences. The customized look and feel of the app add a personal touch to the user's device.

2. Enhanced User Interface

Samsung's messaging app customization features make the user interface more intuitive and user-friendly. Users can customize the layout and design of the app to improve its functionality and usability. This feature helps users to navigate the app easily and quickly.

3. Improved Accessibility

Customization options also provide improved accessibility for users with special needs. For instance, users with visual impairments can choose high-contrast themes and larger fonts to enhance readability. Similarly, users who use the app frequently can customize quick responses to save time and effort.


1. Limited Customization Options

Despite the benefits of customization, Samsung's messaging app has limited customization options. Users cannot change the color of the navigation bar or customize the notification sound. Additionally, some customization options, such as bubble shapes, are only available on newer Samsung devices.

2. Compatibility Issues

Some customization features may not be compatible with certain devices or software versions. For instance, users with older Samsung devices may not have access to some customization options. Similarly, some features may not work correctly with third-party messaging apps.

3. Security Risks

Customizing the messaging app may expose users to security risks. For example, downloading themes and wallpapers from untrusted sources may infect the device with malware or viruses. Additionally, some customization options may interfere with the app's security features, making it vulnerable to hacking and phishing attacks.

In conclusion, Samsung's messaging app customization features offer several benefits for users, such as improved personalization, enhanced user interface, and improved accessibility. However, there are also some limitations and risks associated with customization, such as limited options, compatibility issues, and security risks. Therefore, users should weigh the pros and cons of customization before making any changes to their messaging app.

Closing Message: Customize Your Samsung Messaging App Like a Pro

Thank you for taking the time to read our guide on customizing your Samsung messaging app. We hope that this article has helped you to personalize your messaging experience with ease and confidence.

We understand that everyone has different preferences and styles when it comes to messaging, and that's why we've provided a variety of customization options that you can choose from. Whether you prefer dark mode, unique fonts, or personalized backgrounds, there's something for everyone.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily enhance your messaging app and make it more reflective of your personality and style. With just a few taps and clicks, you can add a touch of personalization to your messages and make them stand out from the rest.

As you explore the various customization options, don't be afraid to experiment and try new things. There's no right or wrong way to customize your messaging app, so feel free to get creative and have fun with it.

Remember that the messaging app is one of the most frequently used apps on your phone. By customizing it to your liking, you'll enjoy a more enjoyable and personalized messaging experience every time you use it.

If you have any questions or feedback about this guide, feel free to leave a comment below. We love hearing from our readers and are always happy to help with any issues or concerns you may have.

Finally, we'd like to thank Samsung for providing such a versatile and customizable messaging app. With its many features and options, it truly stands out as one of the best messaging apps available on the market today.

We hope this guide has been helpful to you and that you now feel confident in customizing your Samsung messaging app like a pro. Happy messaging!

People Also Ask About Samsung Messaging App Customization

What is Samsung messaging app customization?

Samsung messaging app customization refers to the ability to personalize and modify the features of the messaging app that comes pre-installed on Samsung smartphones. This includes changing the theme, font style, and background color of the app.

How do I customize my Samsung messaging app?

To customize your Samsung messaging app, follow these steps:

  1. Open the messaging app on your Samsung phone.
  2. Tap on the three-dot menu icon in the top-right corner of the screen.
  3. Select Settings from the drop-down menu.
  4. Choose Customization from the list of options.
  5. Select the feature you want to customize, such as Backgrounds or Fonts.
  6. Make your desired changes and save them.

Can I change the color of my Samsung messaging app?

Yes, you can change the background color of your Samsung messaging app by following the steps outlined above. Simply navigate to the Backgrounds section and choose the color you prefer.

Can I use a custom theme for my Samsung messaging app?

Yes, you can use a custom theme for your Samsung messaging app. Some Samsung smartphones come with pre-installed themes that you can choose from, while others allow you to download and install new themes from the Samsung Theme Store. To apply a new theme, go to Settings, then Customization, and select Themes.

What other customization options are available for the Samsung messaging app?

In addition to changing the theme and background color of the app, you can also customize the font style and size, bubble style, message preview settings, and more. Explore the Customization section in the messaging app's settings to see all available options.