Revolutionize Your Hearing with Unitron's Innovative Hearing Aid App


The Unitron hearing aid app allows users to personalize their listening experience and adjust settings on-the-go. Improve your hearing today.

Unitron, one of the leading companies in the hearing aid industry, has recently introduced an innovative app that is transforming the way people with hearing loss experience sound. The Unitron hearing aid app is designed to enhance the performance of hearing aids and provide users with a personalized listening experience. This app is packed with advanced features that allow users to customize their hearing aids to meet their individual needs. Whether you are struggling to hear conversations in noisy environments or want to enjoy music at its fullest, the Unitron app has got you covered.

One of the most impressive features of the Unitron hearing aid app is its ability to adapt to changing environments. The app uses sophisticated algorithms to detect different sound environments and adjust the hearing aids accordingly. For example, if you are in a crowded restaurant, the app will automatically reduce background noise and enhance speech sounds, making it easier for you to follow conversations. This feature makes the Unitron app an ideal choice for people who lead active lifestyles and need their hearing aids to adapt to different situations on the go.

In addition to its adaptive capabilities, the Unitron app also offers a range of customization options that allow users to fine-tune their hearing aids to their individual preferences. One such feature is the SoundNav technology, which categorizes sounds into seven distinct environments, such as quiet, speech in noise, music, and more. Users can choose the environment that best fits their current situation and adjust the hearing aids accordingly.

The Unitron app also comes with a remote control feature that allows users to adjust the volume, program, and other settings on their hearing aids without having to touch them. This feature is particularly useful for people with dexterity issues or those who find it difficult to reach their hearing aids. With the remote control feature, users can make adjustments discreetly and easily.

Another exciting feature of the Unitron hearing aid app is the ability to stream audio directly from compatible devices. This means that users can enjoy their favorite music, podcasts, or phone calls without the need for an additional accessory. The app uses Bluetooth technology to connect to smartphones, TVs, and other devices, providing a seamless listening experience.

For people who are new to hearing aids, the Unitron app offers an intuitive tutorial that guides them through the process of setting up and using their devices. The tutorial covers everything from inserting the hearing aids to pairing them with the app and making adjustments. This feature makes the Unitron app a user-friendly option for people who are not tech-savvy.

Unitron also offers a feature called MyMusic, which is specifically designed for music lovers. MyMusic enhances the listening experience by optimizing the hearing aids for music playback. Users can customize the settings to suit their musical preferences and enjoy their favorite tunes like never before.

The Unitron hearing aid app also comes with a tinnitus therapy feature that provides relief for people who suffer from tinnitus. Tinnitus is a condition characterized by ringing, buzzing, or hissing sounds in the ears, and it affects millions of people worldwide. The Unitron app offers a range of sound therapy options that can help reduce the symptoms of tinnitus and improve the quality of life for those who suffer from it.

In conclusion, the Unitron hearing aid app is a game-changer for people with hearing loss. With its advanced features, customization options, and user-friendly interface, this app has revolutionized the way people experience sound. Whether you are struggling to hear conversations in noisy environments, want to enjoy music at its fullest, or need relief from tinnitus, the Unitron app has got you covered.


Hearing loss is a common problem that affects people of all ages. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, over 5% of the world's population has disabling hearing loss. Unitron is a hearing aid company that offers innovative solutions to help those with hearing loss. One of their products is the Unitron hearing aid app.

What is the Unitron hearing aid app?

The Unitron hearing aid app is a mobile application designed to help users control and manage their hearing aids. The app connects to the user's hearing aids via Bluetooth, allowing them to adjust the volume, change programs, and even access a variety of features that can enhance their listening experience.

Features of the Unitron hearing aid app

The Unitron hearing aid app offers a range of features that can help users better manage their hearing aids. Some of these features include:

1. Volume control

Users can adjust the volume of their hearing aids using the app. This allows them to easily increase or decrease the volume as needed, without having to manually adjust their hearing aids.

2. Program selection

The app allows users to choose from a range of programs that are designed to enhance their listening experience in different environments. For example, there are programs for noisy environments, music, and even telecoil mode for use with hearing loops.

3. Battery status

The app displays the battery status of the user's hearing aids, allowing them to easily monitor their battery life and avoid running out of power unexpectedly.

4. Find my hearing aids

The app includes a Find my hearing aids feature, which helps users locate their hearing aids if they have misplaced them. This feature uses Bluetooth to locate the hearing aids within a certain range.

5. Remote support

The Unitron hearing aid app also offers remote support, allowing users to connect with their hearing care professional for assistance and support. This can be especially helpful for users who are unable to visit their hearing care professional in person.

Benefits of using the Unitron hearing aid app

There are several benefits to using the Unitron hearing aid app:

1. Convenience

The app allows users to adjust their hearing aids easily and quickly, without having to fiddle with small buttons or dials on their hearing aids.

2. Customization

The app allows users to customize their listening experience by choosing from a range of programs and features that best suit their needs and preferences.

3. Improved battery life

The app helps users monitor their hearing aid battery life, which can help them avoid running out of power unexpectedly.

4. Remote support

The app offers remote support, which can be especially helpful for users who are unable to visit their hearing care professional in person.


The Unitron hearing aid app is compatible with a range of hearing aids, including the Moxi All and the Tempus platform. However, it is important to note that not all hearing aids are compatible with the app. Users should check with their hearing care professional to determine if their hearing aids are compatible with the app.


The Unitron hearing aid app is a valuable tool for those who use Unitron hearing aids. It offers a range of features and benefits that can help users better manage their hearing aids and enhance their listening experience. If you are a Unitron hearing aid user, be sure to check out the app and talk to your hearing care professional about how it can benefit you.

Introduction to Unitron Hearing Aid App

Hearing loss is a common problem that affects people of all ages. If you're one of the millions of people with hearing loss, you know how challenging it can be to communicate with others and enjoy daily activities. Fortunately, technology has come to the rescue, and hearing aids are now more advanced and effective than ever before. One of the latest innovations in hearing aid technology is the Unitron hearing aid app, which allows users to customize their hearing experience with just a few taps on their smartphone.The Unitron hearing aid app is a free mobile application that works in conjunction with select Unitron hearing aids to provide users with a personalized and comprehensive hearing experience. With the app, users can adjust the volume, change programs, and fine-tune settings to suit their individual needs. In this article, we'll explore the features of the Unitron hearing aid app and how it can improve your overall hearing experience.

Features of the Unitron Hearing Aid App

The Unitron hearing aid app is packed with powerful features that allow users to take control of their hearing aids like never before. Here are some of the key features of the app:

1. Personalized Settings

One of the most significant advantages of the Unitron hearing aid app is the ability to personalize your hearing settings. The app's intuitive interface allows you to fine-tune your hearing aids to your specific needs and preferences. You can adjust the volume, modify the frequency response, and change the sound environment to match your surroundings.

2. Remote Control

The Unitron hearing aid app also gives you full control over your hearing aids, right from your smartphone. You can change programs, adjust the volume, and switch between different modes without having to touch your hearing aids. This feature is particularly useful in situations where you need to make adjustments quickly, such as in a noisy environment.

3. Easy Connectivity

The Unitron hearing aid app uses Bluetooth technology to connect your smartphone to your hearing aids. Pairing is quick and easy, and once connected, you can control your hearing aids from a distance of up to 10 meters.

4. Battery Monitoring

The app also includes a battery monitoring feature that allows you to keep track of your hearing aid's battery life. You can check the battery status at any time, and the app will notify you when it's time to replace the batteries.

5. Location-based Settings

The Unitron hearing aid app also has a unique location-based feature that automatically adjusts your hearing settings based on your location. For example, if you're in a noisy restaurant, the app will recognize this and adjust your hearing aids accordingly, so you can hear conversation more clearly.

Compatibility with Different Unitron Hearing Aids

The Unitron hearing aid app is designed to work with a range of Unitron hearing aids, including the Moxi Jump R, Moxi All R, and Stride M R. These hearing aids are equipped with advanced technology that allows them to communicate with the app and provide users with a personalized hearing experience.To use the app, your hearing aids must be compatible with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology. If you're not sure if your hearing aids are compatible, check with your hearing care professional or refer to the manufacturer's website for more information.

The Importance of Personalized Settings for Hearing Aid Users

Personalized settings are essential for hearing aid users because everyone's hearing loss is different. Some people may have difficulty hearing high-pitched sounds, while others may struggle with low-frequency sounds. Personalized settings allow you to fine-tune your hearing aids to match your specific hearing needs and preferences.The Unitron hearing aid app makes it easy to adjust your hearing aids' settings and customize them to your liking. This means you can get the most out of your hearing aids and enjoy a better hearing experience overall.

How to Adjust Settings Using the Unitron Hearing Aid App

Adjusting your hearing aid settings using the Unitron hearing aid app is easy. Here's how to do it:

Step 1: Open the Unitron hearing aid app on your smartphone.

Step 2: Make sure your hearing aids are connected to your smartphone via Bluetooth.

Step 3: Tap on the Settings tab in the app.

Step 4: Adjust the volume, modify the frequency response, or change the sound environment to suit your needs.

Step 5: Save your changes and enjoy your personalized hearing experience!

How to Control Volume and Programs Using the App

Controlling the volume and programs of your hearing aids using the Unitron hearing aid app is simple. Here's how to do it:

Step 1: Open the Unitron hearing aid app on your smartphone.

Step 2: Tap on the Volume tab to adjust the volume of your hearing aids.

Step 3: To change programs, tap on the Programs tab and select the program you want to use.

Step 4: Save your changes, and you're good to go!

Benefits of Using the Unitron Hearing Aid App

There are several benefits to using the Unitron hearing aid app. These include:

1. Personalized Settings

As we mentioned earlier, personalized settings are crucial for hearing aid users. With the Unitron hearing aid app, you can fine-tune your hearing aids to match your specific hearing needs and preferences.

2. Remote Control

The app's remote control feature allows you to adjust your hearing aids quickly and easily, without having to touch them. This is particularly useful in situations where you need to make adjustments quickly, such as in a noisy environment.

3. Easy Connectivity

Pairing your hearing aids with the app is quick and easy, and the app's Bluetooth technology provides a reliable connection between your smartphone and your hearing aids.

4. Location-based Settings

The app's location-based feature automatically adjusts your hearing settings based on your surroundings, so you can hear more clearly in different environments.

5. Better Hearing Experience

Overall, the Unitron hearing aid app can improve your hearing experience by allowing you to customize your hearing aids to your specific needs and preferences.

Troubleshooting Common Issues with the App

While the Unitron hearing aid app is generally reliable and easy to use, there may be times when you encounter issues. Here are some common problems and how to troubleshoot them:

1. Connection Issues

If you're having trouble connecting your hearing aids to the app, make sure Bluetooth is enabled on your smartphone. You should also check that your hearing aids are turned on and in range of your smartphone.

2. App Crashes

If the app keeps crashing, try closing it and reopening it. You may also want to restart your smartphone to ensure it's running smoothly.

3. Battery Drain

If you notice that the app is draining your smartphone's battery quickly, try turning off other apps that are running in the background. You can also adjust the app's settings to reduce battery consumption.

How the App Can Improve Your Overall Hearing Experience

The Unitron hearing aid app can significantly improve your overall hearing experience by allowing you to customize your hearing aids to your specific needs and preferences. With personalized settings, remote control, easy connectivity, location-based features, and more, the app provides a comprehensive solution for hearing aid users.

Future Updates and Developments for the Unitron Hearing Aid App

Unitron is continually working on improving its hearing aid app and adding new features to make it even more user-friendly and effective. Some of the future updates and developments we can expect from the app include:

1. Improved Compatibility

Unitron is working on making the app compatible with more hearing aid models, so more users can take advantage of its powerful features.

2. Artificial Intelligence

The app may soon incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) technology to further enhance the user experience. AI could help the app learn your preferences over time and automatically adjust settings to match your needs.

3. More Customization Options

Unitron may also add more customization options, such as the ability to adjust the directionality of microphones or the volume of specific frequencies.

4. Better Integration with Smart Home Devices

As smart home devices become more prevalent, Unitron may work on integrating its hearing aid app with these devices to provide a seamless listening experience across different environments.In conclusion, the Unitron hearing aid app is a game-changer for hearing aid users, providing a range of powerful features that allow for a personalized and comprehensive hearing experience. With easy connectivity, remote control, location-based settings, and more, the app is a must-have for anyone with hearing loss. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more exciting developments from Unitron in the future.

My Point of View on Unitron Hearing Aid App


1. Easy to use: The Unitron hearing aid app is user-friendly and easy to navigate.

2. Customizable settings: The app allows you to customize the settings of your hearing aid according to your preferences and environment.

3. Remote control feature: The app enables you to control your hearing aid remotely, making it convenient for you to make adjustments while on the go.

4. Access to advanced features: The app provides access to advanced features such as tinnitus relief and speech enhancement.

5. Compatible with multiple devices: The Unitron hearing aid app is compatible with both Android and iOS devices.


1. Limited compatibility: The app is only compatible with Unitron hearing aids, limiting its use to a specific group of people.

2. Dependence on technology: The app relies on technology, which can be unreliable at times, leading to inconveniences and disruptions in the functionality of the hearing aid.

3. Additional cost: The app comes at an additional cost, which may not be feasible for everyone.

4. Requires internet connection: To use the app, you need a stable internet connection, which can be a challenge in areas with poor connectivity.

In conclusion, the Unitron hearing aid app is a useful tool for those who use Unitron hearing aids. Its customizable settings, remote control feature, and advanced features make it a convenient option for those looking to make adjustments to their hearing aids on the go. However, its limited compatibility, dependence on technology, additional cost, and requirement for internet connectivity are some of its drawbacks.

Closing Message for Visitors: Discover the Benefits of the Unitron Hearing Aid App

Thank you for taking the time to read our article about the Unitron hearing aid app. We hope that you found it informative and helpful in understanding the many benefits of this innovative technology.

If you or a loved one are experiencing hearing loss, you know how challenging it can be to navigate daily life. The Unitron hearing aid app is designed to make those challenges easier to manage by offering a range of features and customization options that can help you hear better and feel more confident in your daily interactions.

One of the key benefits of the Unitron hearing aid app is its ability to connect with your hearing aids and provide you with real-time adjustments and feedback. This means that you can fine-tune your hearing aids on the go, making it easier to hear in different environments, such as noisy restaurants or crowded public spaces.

In addition, the app offers a range of other features that can help you customize your hearing experience. For example, you can adjust the volume, bass, and treble levels of your hearing aids, as well as choose from a range of different program settings that are designed to optimize your hearing in specific situations.

The Unitron hearing aid app also offers a range of connectivity options that allow you to stream music, phone calls, and other audio directly to your hearing aids. This means that you can enjoy your favorite music or take phone calls without having to remove your hearing aids or struggle to hear the audio through external speakers or headphones.

Another benefit of the Unitron hearing aid app is its user-friendly interface. The app is designed to be easy to use and understand, even if you have little experience with technology. This means that you can easily adjust your hearing aids or access other features without feeling overwhelmed or frustrated.

If you are looking for a hearing aid app that can help you hear better and feel more confident in your daily life, we recommend giving the Unitron app a try. With its range of features, customization options, and user-friendly interface, it is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to improve their hearing experience.

At Unitron, we are committed to providing our customers with the best possible hearing solutions. We believe that everyone deserves to hear their best, and we are proud to offer innovative technologies like the Unitron hearing aid app to help make that a reality.

If you have any questions about the Unitron hearing aid app or any of our other products, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are always here to help and would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Thank you again for reading our article, and we hope that you will consider trying the Unitron hearing aid app for yourself or your loved ones. With its range of features and benefits, we are confident that you will be glad you did.

People Also Ask About Unitron Hearing Aid App

What is the Unitron hearing aid app?

The Unitron hearing aid app is a mobile application that allows you to control and adjust your hearing aids using your smartphone or tablet. It is compatible with Unitron's latest hearing aid models, and it can be downloaded for free from the App Store or Google Play.

What features does the Unitron hearing aid app offer?

The Unitron hearing aid app offers several features to help you personalize your hearing experience, including:

  • Volume and program adjustments
  • Speech enhancement
  • Noise reduction
  • Tinnitus relief
  • Sound equalizer

Is the Unitron hearing aid app easy to use?

Yes, the Unitron hearing aid app is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. It has a simple interface that allows you to make adjustments to your hearing aids with just a few taps on your smartphone or tablet.

Can I use the Unitron hearing aid app with any hearing aid model?

No, the Unitron hearing aid app is only compatible with Unitron's latest hearing aid models. If you have an older model, you may need to use a different app or a remote control to adjust your hearing aids.

How do I connect my hearing aids to the Unitron hearing aid app?

To connect your hearing aids to the Unitron hearing aid app, you will need to pair them with your smartphone or tablet using Bluetooth. The app will guide you through the pairing process, and once your hearing aids are connected, you can start making adjustments.