Troubleshooting Xbox App Error 0x404: Simple Fixes and Solutions


Xbox app error 0x404? Don't panic! Learn how to fix it with our step-by-step guide and get back to gaming in no time. #Xbox #Error404

Are you an avid gamer who enjoys playing on Xbox? Do you frequently use the Xbox app to connect with your friends, stream games, and manage your account? If so, you may have encountered the frustrating error 0x404 when using the app. This error can prevent you from accessing certain features or even logging in to your account. In this article, we will explore the causes of the Xbox app error 0x404, provide step-by-step instructions on how to fix it, and offer some helpful tips to prevent it from happening again.

The Xbox app error 0x404 can be caused by a variety of factors, including network connectivity issues, outdated software or drivers, corrupted app files, and conflicts with other programs or settings on your device. If you encounter this error, the first step is to check your internet connection and ensure that you are logged in to your Microsoft account. You should also make sure that your device is up to date with the latest software updates and that your drivers are installed correctly.

If these basic troubleshooting steps do not resolve the Xbox app error 0x404, there are several more advanced fixes that you can try. One option is to reset the Xbox app, which will clear any corrupted files or settings that may be causing the error. Another solution is to reinstall the app completely, which can often resolve more complex issues with the software. Alternatively, you can try disabling or adjusting certain settings on your device, such as your firewall or antivirus software, to see if this resolves the issue.

It is important to note that the Xbox app error 0x404 may also be caused by issues with the Xbox Live service itself. If this is the case, there may be nothing you can do to fix the problem other than wait for Microsoft to resolve the issue on their end. However, there are some steps you can take to minimize the impact of this error on your gaming experience.

For example, you can try using the Xbox app on a different device or network to see if the error persists. You can also try using an alternative app or service to connect with your friends and play games, such as Discord or Steam. Additionally, you can try adjusting your settings within the Xbox app to prioritize offline play and reduce your reliance on the Xbox Live service.

In conclusion, the Xbox app error 0x404 can be a frustrating and disruptive issue for gamers who rely on the app to connect with their friends and enjoy their favorite games. However, with a little bit of troubleshooting and some helpful tips, you can resolve this error and get back to gaming in no time. Whether you need to reset the app, reinstall it, adjust your settings, or try an alternative service, there are plenty of options available to help you overcome this problem and get back to enjoying your Xbox experience.


Xbox is one of the most popular gaming platforms that comes with great features and functionalities. Xbox App is an application that allows users to connect with their Xbox live account on Windows 10 PCs. However, sometimes users may encounter errors while using the Xbox app. One such error is the Xbox App Error 0x404.

What is Xbox App Error 0x404?

Xbox App Error 0x404 is a common error that occurs when users try to launch the Xbox app on their Windows 10 PC. This error usually occurs due to various reasons such as corrupted system files, outdated app version, or compatibility issues.

Causes of Xbox App Error 0x404

There can be several causes of Xbox App Error 0x404. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Corrupted system files
  • Outdated app version
  • Compatibility issues
  • Third-party antivirus programs
  • Windows Firewall
  • Internet connectivity issues

How to Fix Xbox App Error 0x404?

Method 1: Restart your PC

The first and easiest method to fix Xbox App Error 0x404 is to restart your PC. Sometimes, the error may occur due to temporary glitches in the system, and restarting the PC can help resolve the issue.

Method 2: Check Your Internet Connection

Xbox App Error 0x404 can also occur due to poor internet connectivity. Make sure that your PC is connected to a stable internet connection and check if the error persists.

Method 3: Update the Xbox App

If you are using an outdated version of the Xbox app, it may cause the error. Try updating the app to the latest version and check if the issue is resolved.

Method 4: Disable Third-Party Antivirus Programs

Third-party antivirus programs can sometimes interfere with the functioning of the Xbox app. Try disabling the antivirus program temporarily and check if the error is resolved.

Method 5: Check Windows Firewall Settings

Windows Firewall can sometimes block the Xbox app from functioning properly. Check the firewall settings and make sure that the Xbox app is allowed to access the internet.

Method 6: Run the Troubleshooter

Windows 10 comes with a built-in troubleshooter that can help diagnose and fix various system issues. Run the troubleshooter and check if it can resolve the Xbox App Error 0x404.


Xbox App Error 0x404 is a common error that occurs while using the Xbox app on Windows 10 PCs. The error can be caused due to various reasons such as corrupted system files, outdated app version, or compatibility issues. However, the error can be easily fixed by following some simple troubleshooting methods such as restarting the PC, updating the app, disabling third-party antivirus programs, checking firewall settings, and running the troubleshooter. If none of these methods work, you can contact Xbox support for further assistance.

Introduction to Xbox App Error 0x404

The Xbox app is a popular gaming platform that enables gamers to access Xbox Live services on their Windows 10 devices, mobile phones, and tablets. It allows users to play games, connect with other gamers, and share their gaming experiences. However, like any other software, the Xbox app is not immune to errors, and one of the most common issues faced by users is the Xbox App Error 0x404.Xbox App Error 0x404 is an error that occurs when users try to sign in to the Xbox app or access Xbox Live services. The error message indicates that the app cannot connect to the Xbox server, and as a result, users are unable to use the app.

Understanding the Causes of Xbox App Error 0x404

There are several reasons why Xbox App Error 0x404 may occur. Some of the common causes include:

1. Server Issues: Sometimes, the Xbox server may experience downtime or maintenance, preventing users from accessing the app.

2. Internet Connectivity: Poor internet connectivity or network issues can also cause the Xbox app to display Error 0x404.

3. Outdated Xbox App: Using an outdated version of the Xbox app can also cause Error 0x404.

4. Corrupted System Files: Corruption of system files can also cause the Xbox app to malfunction and display Error 0x404.

Common Symptoms of Xbox App Error 0x404

When users encounter Xbox App Error 0x404, they may experience the following symptoms:

1. Inability to sign in to the Xbox app.

2. Inability to access Xbox Live services through the app.

3. A pop-up message displaying Error 0x404 when trying to connect to the Xbox server.

4. The app crashing or freezing when opening or during use.

Troubleshooting Xbox App Error 0x404: Basic Steps

When faced with Xbox App Error 0x404, there are several basic steps users can take to resolve the issue. These include:

1. Checking Internet Connectivity: Ensure that the device is connected to a stable internet connection, and there are no network issues that may be causing the error.

2. Restarting the Xbox App: Close the app and reopen it to see if the error disappears.

3. Updating the Xbox App: Check for any available updates on the Microsoft Store and install them.

4. Restarting the Device: Sometimes, restarting the device can help resolve the issue.

Advanced Methods to Fix Xbox App Error 0x404

If the basic troubleshooting steps do not resolve the issue, users can try advanced methods such as:

1. Clearing the Cache: Clearing the cache of the Xbox app may help resolve the issue. To do this, go to Settings > Apps > Xbox > Advanced Options > Reset.

2. Reinstalling the Xbox App: Uninstall the Xbox app from the device and reinstall it from the Microsoft Store.

3. Running the Windows Store App Troubleshooter: This troubleshooter can help identify and fix issues with the Microsoft Store, which may be causing the Xbox App Error 0x404.

4. Resetting the Windows Store Cache: Resetting the Windows Store cache can help resolve issues with the app. To do this, run the Command Prompt as an administrator and type wsreset.exe without the quotes.

How to Update Xbox App to Avoid Error 0x404

To avoid encountering Xbox App Error 0x404, users should always ensure that they are using the latest version of the app. To update the app, follow these steps:

1. Open the Microsoft Store on the device.

2. Click on the three dots in the top-right corner and select Downloads and updates.

3. Click on Get updates.

4. If there is an update for the Xbox app, click on Update.

5. Wait for the update to download and install.

Possible Issues with Xbox Live that Cause Error 0x404

Xbox Live is a service that enables users to connect with other gamers, play games, and access various features. However, sometimes, issues with Xbox Live can cause the Xbox App Error 0x404. Some of the possible issues include:

1. Server Downtime: Xbox Live services may be unavailable due to maintenance or server downtime.

2. Account Issues: Users may experience Error 0x404 if there are issues with their Xbox Live account, such as a suspended account or incorrect login details.

3. Region Restrictions: Xbox Live services may not be available in certain regions, causing the error to appear.

4. Network Issues: Poor network connectivity or issues with the home network may prevent users from accessing Xbox Live services.

Xbox App Error 0x404 on Windows 10: What to Do

If users encounter Xbox App Error 0x404 on Windows 10, they can try the following steps to resolve the issue:

1. Check Internet Connectivity: Ensure that the device is connected to a stable internet connection and there are no network issues.

2. Restart the Xbox App: Close the app and reopen it to see if the error disappears.

3. Update the Xbox App: Check for any available updates on the Microsoft Store and install them.

4. Clear the Cache: Clear the cache of the Xbox app by going to Settings > Apps > Xbox > Advanced Options > Reset.

5. Reinstall the Xbox App: Uninstall the Xbox app from the device and reinstall it from the Microsoft Store.

6. Run the Windows Store App Troubleshooter: This troubleshooter can help identify and fix issues with the Microsoft Store, which may be causing the error.

Xbox App Error 0x404 on Mobile Devices: Solutions

If users encounter Xbox App Error 0x404 on their mobile devices, they can try the following solutions:

1. Check Internet Connectivity: Ensure that the device is connected to a stable internet connection and there are no network issues.

2. Restart the Xbox App: Close the app and reopen it to see if the error disappears.

3. Update the Xbox App: Check for any available updates on the respective app store and install them.

4. Clear the Cache: Clear the cache of the Xbox app by going to Settings > Apps > Xbox > Storage > Clear cache.

5. Reinstall the Xbox App: Uninstall the Xbox app from the device and reinstall it from the respective app store.

Contacting Xbox Support to Resolve Error 0x404

If users are unable to resolve Xbox App Error 0x404 using the basic and advanced troubleshooting steps, they can contact Xbox support for assistance. Xbox support can help users identify the root cause of the error and provide appropriate solutions to fix the issue.In conclusion, Xbox App Error 0x404 is a common issue that users may encounter when using the Xbox app or Xbox Live services. The error can be caused by various factors, including server issues, poor internet connectivity, outdated software, and corrupted system files. However, users can resolve the issue by following the basic and advanced troubleshooting steps or contacting Xbox support for assistance. By taking the necessary steps, users can enjoy uninterrupted gaming experiences on the Xbox app and Xbox Live services.

Understanding the Xbox App Error 0x404

Point of View

As an avid Xbox gamer, encountering errors while using the Xbox app can be frustrating. One of the most common errors that players face is the Xbox app error 0x404. From my point of view, this error occurs when the app fails to connect to the Xbox servers or when there is a problem with the user's internet connection.


  • The Xbox app error 0x404 indicates that there may be an issue with the user's internet connection, allowing them to troubleshoot and fix the problem.
  • This error code helps Xbox support teams identify and resolve issues related to connectivity and server problems.
  • It prevents users from accessing the app until the issue is resolved, preventing further damage from happening.


  • Experiencing the Xbox app error 0x404 can be frustrating for players who just want to access the app and play their favorite games.
  • If the error is not resolved quickly, it can lead to extended downtime for gamers, resulting in lost gaming time and potential progress in their games.
  • Users may not have sufficient technical knowledge to fix the error themselves, leading to them reaching out to Xbox support for help, which can be time-consuming and result in further delays.

In conclusion, the Xbox app error 0x404 can be both beneficial and detrimental to gamers. While it can help identify and resolve connectivity issues, it can also cause frustration and extended downtime. As a player, it is important to understand what causes this error and take steps to fix it or seek help from Xbox support if needed.

Xbox App Error 0x404 – How to Fix It?

Thank you for taking the time to read this article about the Xbox app error 0x404. We hope that we have been able to provide you with valuable information on what this error is and how to fix it. As you may know, the Xbox app is a great way to stay connected with your friends and play games on your PC or mobile device. However, like any other app, it can encounter errors, and the 0x404 error is one of them.

If you are experiencing this error, do not worry. There are several ways to fix it, and we have discussed them in detail in this article. The first thing you should do is check your internet connection and make sure that your device is connected to the internet. If your internet connection is stable, then you can try restarting the app or your device. These simple steps can often resolve the error.

If the error persists, you can try clearing the cache and data of the Xbox app. This will remove any corrupted files and help the app to function correctly. You can also try updating the app to the latest version, as this can often fix bugs and errors that were present in older versions.

Another solution is to reset the app. This will restore the app to its default settings, which can sometimes help to fix errors that were caused by changes made to the app's settings. However, be aware that resetting the app will delete all your saved data, so be sure to back up your data before doing so.

If none of these solutions work, you can try reinstalling the Xbox app. This will completely remove the app from your device and install a fresh copy. This can be a time-consuming process, but it can often fix errors that were caused by corrupted files or settings.

It is also important to note that the 0x404 error can sometimes be caused by issues with the Xbox Live service. In such cases, you will need to wait until the service is fully restored. You can check the Xbox Live status page to see if there are any known issues with the service.

Now that we have discussed the various ways to fix the Xbox app error 0x404, we hope that you have found a solution that works for you. Remember, if you are still experiencing the error, you can always contact Xbox support for further assistance.

In conclusion, the Xbox app is a great way to stay connected with your friends and play games on your PC or mobile device. However, like any other app, it can encounter errors, and the 0x404 error is one of them. We have discussed various ways to fix this error, including checking your internet connection, restarting the app or your device, clearing the cache and data, updating the app, resetting the app, and reinstalling the app. If you are still experiencing the error, contact Xbox support for further assistance.

We hope that you have found this article helpful. Thank you for visiting our blog, and we look forward to providing you with more informative articles in the future. Have a great day!

People Also Ask About Xbox App Error 0x404

What is Xbox App Error 0x404?

Xbox App Error 0x404 is an error code that occurs when a user tries to launch the Xbox app on their Windows 10 device. This error indicates that the app is unable to connect to the Xbox servers, preventing the user from accessing their account and using the app's features.

What causes Xbox App Error 0x404?

The most common cause of Xbox App Error 0x404 is a problem with the user's internet connection. If the connection is slow or unstable, the app may not be able to connect to the Xbox servers. Additionally, outdated or corrupted app files can also cause this error.

How can I fix Xbox App Error 0x404?

There are several ways to fix Xbox App Error 0x404:

  1. Check your internet connection: Ensure that your internet connection is stable and fast enough to support the Xbox app. You may need to reset your router or modem if the connection is slow or unstable.
  2. Update the app: Make sure that you have the latest version of the Xbox app installed on your device. If the app is outdated, it may not be able to connect to the Xbox servers.
  3. Clear the app cache: Clearing the app cache can help resolve any corrupted files that may be causing the error. To do this, go to Settings > Apps > Xbox > Storage > Clear Cache.
  4. Reinstall the app: If all else fails, try uninstalling and reinstalling the Xbox app. This will remove any corrupted files and ensure that you have a fresh installation of the app.

Can I still use my Xbox account if I get Xbox App Error 0x404?

If you are unable to launch the Xbox app due to Error 0x404, you will not be able to access your account or use the app's features. However, you can still use your Xbox account on other devices, such as an Xbox console or a mobile device with the Xbox app installed.