Unleash Your Creativity and Win Big with the Verizon App Challenge 2015!


Verizon App Challenge 2015: Calling all innovators! Create a mobile app that solves a real-world problem for a chance to win $15,000 for your school.

Verizon, one of the world's leading telecommunications companies, has been hosting an annual Verizon App Challenge since 2012. This competition is aimed at encouraging young people to explore and develop their skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The challenge provides an opportunity for students in middle and high schools across the United States to showcase their creativity and innovation by developing mobile applications that solve real-world problems.

The Verizon App Challenge 2015 was no exception. It was a huge success, attracting more than 1,200 teams from various schools across the country. The competition was fierce, with the participants showcasing their problem-solving abilities in a bid to win big prizes, including $20,000 in cash grants for their schools.

What made the Verizon App Challenge 2015 unique was the focus on STEM education and how it could be used to solve real-world problems. The participants were encouraged to come up with mobile apps that could address issues such as healthcare, education, and sustainability, among others. This approach helped to fuel creativity and innovation and provided a platform for young people to showcase their skills and talents.

The competition was divided into two categories: middle school and high school. Each team was required to submit an original mobile application that addressed a specific issue within their community. The judges then evaluated the submissions based on their relevance, creativity, and potential impact.

The participants did not disappoint. They came up with some truly amazing mobile applications that had the potential to transform the world. For instance, one team developed an app that helped people with disabilities to navigate public transportation systems. Another team created an app that connected volunteers with local organizations that needed their help.

The Verizon App Challenge 2015 was not just about creating mobile apps. It was also about providing young people with an opportunity to learn, grow, and develop their skills. The competition was designed to help students learn how to work in teams, communicate effectively, and solve problems creatively.

Overall, the Verizon App Challenge 2015 was a huge success. It provided a platform for young people to showcase their creativity and innovation and gave them an opportunity to learn and grow. The competition also highlighted the importance of STEM education in addressing real-world problems and showed how mobile technology could be used to make a positive impact on communities.

In conclusion, the Verizon App Challenge 2015 was a fantastic initiative that demonstrated the power of young people to drive change and innovation. The competition was a testament to Verizon's commitment to STEM education and its belief in the potential of young people to make a difference in the world. We can only hope that the next edition of the Verizon App Challenge will be even better.


Verizon, the American multinational telecommunications company, has been organizing an annual app challenge since 2012. The competition is open to middle and high school students in the United States and encourages them to develop innovative mobile applications using the latest technology. In this article, we will take a closer look at the Verizon App Challenge 2015, its objectives, rules, and winners.

The Objective of the Competition

The primary objective of the Verizon App Challenge is to promote STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education among young students. By encouraging them to develop mobile applications, the competition aims to foster their creativity, problem-solving skills, and technological expertise. The competition also provides students with an opportunity to work in teams, collaborate with mentors, and showcase their talent to a wider audience.

Rules and Eligibility Criteria

To participate in the Verizon App Challenge 2015, students had to form teams of 5-7 members and submit their app ideas by November 24, 2014. The competition was open to middle and high school students in the United States, including public, private, and parochial schools. The apps had to be designed for Android or iOS platforms and had to address a real-world problem or need. The ideas were evaluated based on their creativity, originality, feasibility, and potential impact.

The Mentorship Phase

After the initial submission, the top teams were selected to move to the mentorship phase, where they received guidance and support from local Verizon employees and industry professionals. The mentors helped the teams refine their app ideas, develop prototypes, and prepare for the final presentation. The mentorship phase lasted from January to March 2015.

The Final Presentation

The final round of the Verizon App Challenge 2015 took place on April 21, 2015, in Orlando, Florida. The top eight teams from each region (East, South, Midwest, and West) were invited to present their apps to a panel of judges, which included representatives from Verizon, MIT Media Lab, and the National Academy Foundation. The presentations were evaluated based on their design, functionality, user experience, and potential impact on society.

The Winners

The Verizon App Challenge 2015 had two categories of winners: Best in Nation and Best in Region. The Best in Nation award went to Team Think, from Girls Middle School in Palo Alto, California. Their app, called Hello Navi, helps visually impaired users navigate indoor spaces using audio cues and haptic feedback. The Best in Region awards went to seven other teams, each representing a different region of the United States.

Impact of the Competition

The Verizon App Challenge has had a significant impact on STEM education and the development of mobile applications. Since its inception in 2012, the competition has attracted thousands of students from across the country, who have created hundreds of innovative apps that address various social, environmental, and technological challenges. The competition has also provided students with exposure to the tech industry, career opportunities, and valuable skills that will serve them well in the future.


The Verizon App Challenge 2015 was a resounding success, with hundreds of talented young students showcasing their creativity, ingenuity, and technological expertise. The competition has played an essential role in promoting STEM education among young people and encouraging them to use technology for social good. As we look toward the future, it is clear that initiatives like the Verizon App Challenge will continue to inspire the next generation of innovators, entrepreneurs, and problem-solvers.

Introduction to the Verizon App Challenge 2015

Are you passionate about app development? Do you have an innovative idea that can make a difference in your community? If yes, then the Verizon App Challenge 2015 is the perfect platform for you to showcase your talent and creativity. This challenge is an initiative by Verizon Wireless that aims to encourage students to develop innovative mobile applications that can address social issues in their communities.The Verizon App Challenge has been around since 2012 and has become one of the most prestigious app development competitions in the United States. The challenge provides an opportunity for middle and high school students to learn new skills and apply their knowledge in a practical way. The goal of the challenge is to inspire students to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields.

What is the Verizon App Challenge and how to participate?

The Verizon App Challenge is a competition for middle and high school students in the United States. It is open to individuals or teams of up to five members who are enrolled in public, private, or parochial schools. Participants must be legal residents of the United States and must have parental consent to enter the competition.To participate in the Verizon App Challenge, students must form a team and identify a teacher or mentor who will guide them through the process. The team must come up with an innovative mobile application idea that addresses a social issue in their community. The application should be designed for the Android operating system and must be developed using MIT App Inventor 2 or another approved software development kit.Once the team has developed their application, they must submit it online to the Verizon App Challenge website. The submission must include a video presentation of the application and a written description of its features and functions. The deadline for submissions is November 24, 2015.

Eligibility criteria for Verizon App Challenge 2015

To be eligible for the Verizon App Challenge 2015, participants must meet the following criteria:
  • Participants must be middle or high school students enrolled in public, private, or parochial schools in the United States.
  • Participants must be legal residents of the United States and must have parental consent to enter the competition.
  • Participants must form a team of up to five members and identify a teacher or mentor who will guide them through the process.
  • The application must be designed for the Android operating system and must be developed using MIT App Inventor 2 or another approved software development kit.
  • The application must address a social issue in the community and must have a positive impact on people's lives.

Exploring the theme for Verizon App Challenge 2015

The theme for the Verizon App Challenge 2015 is Problem Solving. Participants are encouraged to develop mobile applications that solve real-world problems in their communities. The applications should have a positive impact on people's lives and should address issues such as health, education, environment, safety, and accessibility.The theme for the challenge reflects Verizon Wireless' commitment to social responsibility and sustainability. The company believes that technology can be a powerful tool for solving social problems and improving people's lives. By encouraging students to develop innovative mobile applications, Verizon Wireless hopes to inspire the next generation of technology leaders and innovators.

Understanding the judging criteria for Verizon App Challenge 2015

The judging criteria for the Verizon App Challenge 2015 are based on the following four categories:
  • Innovation: The application must be original and innovative. It should use technology in a creative way to solve a problem in the community.
  • Impact: The application should have a positive impact on people's lives. It should address a social issue and offer a solution that is accessible, affordable, and effective.
  • User Experience: The application should be easy to use and intuitive. It should have a user-friendly interface and should be designed to meet the needs of its target audience.
  • Viability: The application should be feasible and sustainable. It should be scalable, adaptable, and able to generate revenue or funding if necessary.

Prizes and rewards for winners of Verizon App Challenge 2015

The winners of the Verizon App Challenge 2015 will receive a range of prizes and rewards, including:
  • Grand Prize: $20,000 cash prize plus a trip to the National Technology Student Association Conference in Nashville, Tennessee.
  • Best in State Prizes: $5,000 cash prize for each state winner.
  • Special Awards: $5,000 cash prize for each of the four special award winners.
  • Tablets: All state winners will receive a Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook tablet.
  • Mentorship: The winning teams will have the opportunity to work with professional app developers and technology experts to further develop their applications.

Key dates and deadlines for Verizon App Challenge 2015

The following are the key dates and deadlines for the Verizon App Challenge 2015:
  • Registration Opens: September 15, 2015
  • Registration Closes: November 24, 2015
  • Application Submission Deadline: November 24, 2015
  • State Winners Announced: January 19, 2016
  • National Winners Announced: February 2, 2016

Tips for creating a winning app for Verizon App Challenge 2015

Developing a winning mobile application for the Verizon App Challenge 2015 requires creativity, innovation, and hard work. Here are some tips that can help you create a winning app:
  • Choose an issue that you are passionate about and that has a real impact on people's lives.
  • Research the issue and identify potential solutions that can be implemented using mobile technology.
  • Design a user-friendly interface that meets the needs of your target audience.
  • Use technology in a creative way to solve the problem and add value to the user experience.
  • Test your application thoroughly and get feedback from users to improve its functionality and usability.
  • Create a compelling video presentation that showcases your application's features and benefits.
  • Work closely with your teacher or mentor to refine your idea and ensure that it meets the judging criteria.

Success stories from previous Verizon App Challenges

The Verizon App Challenge has produced many success stories since its inception in 2012. Here are some examples of winning applications:
  • 2014 Grand Prize Winner: Hello Navi by a team from Garden City High School in New York. The application helps visually impaired people navigate indoor spaces using Bluetooth beacons and voice commands.
  • 2013 Best in Nation Winner: Chore Scout by a team from Lexington High School in Massachusetts. The application helps parents assign chores to their children and rewards them for completing them.
  • 2012 Best in Nation Winner: Island Runner by a team from Conrad Schools of Science in Delaware. The game encourages players to exercise by making them run on a virtual island.
These winning applications demonstrate the power of mobile technology in solving real-world problems and making a positive impact on people's lives.

Final thoughts and how to stay updated on Verizon App Challenge 2015

The Verizon App Challenge 2015 is an exciting opportunity for middle and high school students to showcase their talent and creativity in mobile app development. By addressing social issues in their communities, they can make a positive impact on people's lives and inspire others to pursue careers in STEM fields.To stay updated on the latest news and updates about the Verizon App Challenge 2015, visit the official website at http://verizonfoundation.org/appchallenge. You can also follow Verizon Wireless on Twitter and Facebook for updates and announcements.In conclusion, the Verizon App Challenge 2015 is a great opportunity for young innovators to showcase their skills and make a difference in their communities. With the right idea, hard work, and creativity, you could be the next winner of this prestigious competition.

Verizon App Challenge 2015

Point of View

As an AI language model, I don't have a personal point of view about Verizon App Challenge 2015. However, I can provide some general information and details about the event.The Verizon App Challenge is an annual contest held by Verizon to encourage high school and middle school students across the United States to use their creativity, curiosity, and technical skills to develop innovative mobile apps that can address significant problems in their local communities. The challenge aims to promote STEM education and inspire young people to pursue careers in technology and entrepreneurship.In 2015, the Verizon App Challenge attracted thousands of teams from different regions of the country, and the winners were announced in February 2016. The top teams received cash prizes, tablets, and other awards, as well as the opportunity to work with Verizon experts to refine their apps and prepare them for the market.

Pros of Verizon App Challenge 2015

1. Encourages innovation: The Verizon App Challenge provides a platform for students to showcase their creativity, problem-solving skills, and technical expertise. By participating in the challenge, students can develop new ideas, learn new technologies, and gain valuable experience in app development.2. Promotes STEM education: The challenge promotes STEM education and encourages young people to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and math. It also helps to bridge the digital divide and narrow the skills gap in the tech industry.3. Offers prizes and recognition: The winners of the challenge receive cash prizes, tablets, and other awards, as well as the opportunity to work with Verizon experts to refine their apps and prepare them for the market. This recognition can be a valuable asset for students' future careers and education.

Cons of Verizon App Challenge 2015

1. Limited participation: The challenge is only open to high school and middle school students in the United States, which limits the diversity and inclusivity of the participants. It also excludes college students and other aspiring app developers who may have innovative ideas but are not eligible for the challenge.2. Narrow focus: The challenge focuses on mobile apps that address local community problems, which may limit the scope and impact of the projects. It may also discourage students from pursuing more ambitious and groundbreaking projects that can have a broader impact on society.3. Commercialization pressure: The winners of the challenge are expected to refine their apps and prepare them for the market, which may put pressure on them to prioritize commercial viability over social impact. This may compromise the original goals of the challenge and discourage students from pursuing projects that are not immediately profitable.In conclusion, the Verizon App Challenge 2015 was a successful event that promoted STEM education, encouraged innovation, and provided recognition and prizes for young app developers. However, it also had some limitations and challenges that need to be addressed to ensure inclusivity, diversity, and social impact in future editions of the challenge.

Closing Message for Verizon App Challenge 2015

As we come to the end of the Verizon App Challenge 2015, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the participants who made this year's competition a huge success. It has been an exciting journey for us, and we have been privileged to witness some of the most innovative and creative ideas from students all over the United States.

The Verizon App Challenge is a unique platform that provides students with the opportunity to showcase their skills and creativity in developing mobile apps that address real-world problems. We are proud of the fact that this competition has helped to foster a culture of innovation among young developers who have gone on to make significant contributions to the tech industry.

Over the years, we have seen how the Verizon App Challenge has grown in popularity, attracting thousands of entries from students across the country. This year was no exception, and we were thrilled to receive hundreds of submissions from talented young developers who demonstrated their passion for technology and their commitment to making a difference in their communities.

We would like to congratulate all the winners of this year's competition, whose ideas and apps stood out among the many outstanding entries we received. Your hard work, dedication, and creativity have truly impressed us, and we are confident that you will go on to achieve great things in the tech industry.

To all the participants who did not win, we want to remind you that the Verizon App Challenge is just the beginning of your journey as a developer. The experience and skills you have gained from participating in this competition will serve you well as you pursue your passion for technology.

We encourage all the participants to continue to develop their apps and explore new ways to use technology to solve real-world problems. The world needs more innovative thinkers like you, and we are excited to see what you will accomplish in the future.

We would also like to thank all the teachers, mentors, and parents who have supported and encouraged the participants throughout this competition. Your dedication and commitment to helping young people succeed in the tech industry are truly inspiring, and we are grateful for all that you do.

Finally, we want to express our appreciation to Verizon for their continued support of this competition. Their commitment to fostering innovation and creativity among students is truly commendable, and we look forward to seeing how they will continue to shape the future of the tech industry.

In conclusion, we hope that the Verizon App Challenge 2015 has inspired all the participants to pursue their passion for technology and to continue to develop innovative solutions that have a positive impact on society. We wish everyone the best of luck in their future endeavors, and we look forward to seeing what exciting developments the next generation of developers will bring to the tech industry.

People Also Ask About Verizon App Challenge 2015

What is Verizon App Challenge 2015?

The Verizon App Challenge 2015 was a national competition open to middle and high school students in the United States. The challenge invited students to create mobile app concepts that could solve real-world problems in their communities.

Who organized the Verizon App Challenge 2015?

The Verizon App Challenge 2015 was organized by Verizon in partnership with the Technology Student Association (TSA). The competition aimed to encourage STEM education and inspire innovation among young people.

What were the prizes for the Verizon App Challenge 2015?

The grand prize for the Verizon App Challenge 2015 was $20,000 for the winning team's school or sponsoring nonprofit organization. In addition, the winning team received a trip to the National TSA Conference in Dallas, Texas, to showcase their app concept.

How were the winners of the Verizon App Challenge 2015 selected?

The winners of the Verizon App Challenge 2015 were selected through a rigorous judging process that evaluated app concepts based on creativity, relevance, potential impact, and feasibility. The top ten teams were selected as finalists and invited to present their app concepts to a panel of judges at the National TSA Conference in Dallas, Texas.

What were some of the winning app concepts from the Verizon App Challenge 2015?

Some of the winning app concepts from the Verizon App Challenge 2015 included:

  • MyGriefConnect, an app that helps people cope with the loss of a loved one by connecting them with support groups and resources
  • The Safety Net, an app that provides a platform for students to anonymously report bullying and receive support from peers and counselors
  • TrashTalk, an app that gamifies recycling by rewarding users with points and prizes for properly disposing of waste